Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Softening Tyre

Corner of Elm and Oak

I went with "tyre" instead of "tire" in the title of this post because I've been reading British cycling websites and have recently discovered Downton Abbey on the telly. Me and Team Shad's Muse have gotten deeply into the Downton phenomenon and have been gorging on the first three seasons via Netflix discs. Total addicts, the two of us.

How brilliant to begin a series of such arcane subject matter (post-Belle Epoch turn-of-the-century British aristocracy) with the year 1912. What happened in 1912? Who knows? you ask yourself. And then you realize in the first few moments of the first episode of the first season that 1912 was the year the Titanic sank. And just like that, you're hooked.

None of that has much to do with today's short ride, except the tyre part. With about three miles to go I noticed an odd swerving and general unsteadiness when turning and realized that my front tyre was going soft. Merde! It had been a necessarily short jaunt anyway, sort of an after thought of the afternoon, and it ended badly though not as bad as it could have.

The tyre never went totally flat. I limped along on it, anxious and careful. At one point, not more than a mile from home, I had to stop and put some air in it with the hand pump. But I never ended up having to change the tube.

Potomska St, Rasputitsa Style

Entering the Glendale area. Pretty.

Institute Rd looking toward WPI

Summary: Sometimes it's good just to ride around on your bike.  It wasn't pretty out, and I had a flattish tyre, but it was sorta' warm and I enjoyed the air and felt strong. 11 miles and some good climbs.

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