Sunday, March 22, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015, 1st Spring Ride

Spring arrived at 6:45 PM Friday night March 20 and so did another round of snow with it, though thankfully not that much. An inch fell overnight and residual flurries were still swirling around Saturday morning when I woke but they soon abated and the sun came out.

By noon, all of the snow had melted and a slight breeze was drying the road ways. I hadn't planned to ride but when I stepped out and felt how warm it was, well into the 40s, I seized the chance. Turned out to be quite a sweet ride at that, all the more so for being unexpected.

Leaving the compound 

The thing is, my mindset about riding has changed. The last two years were all about training hard and riding as much as possible. That worked well, to a point. Each year I rode hard throughout the winter so that by the time of shorts & short-sleeved riding weather, I was in mid-season form or better. But each year I over trained and ended up injured and had to be off the bike for several weeks right in the middle of summer. That sucked.

So this year, I am biding my time, not riding three and four days a week, not forcing myself to ride when I don't want to but think I should. I'm also allowing myself a more relaxed approach overall. Though I do work on conditioning, on cadence, on endurance, I am less rigid about it. I'm trying to take each ride as a Zen-like exploration as well as a training session. I'm intent on placing as much importance in the actual process as I am about achieving fitness results.

Today's ride was a good example. I undertook a brief circuit around downtown, thinking that I might head over toward Holy Cross and the industrialized wasteland flats in between, but decided when I got down across Main St that that was a bad idea. Instead of being frustrated, I circled back, took in the George St climb, then decided to pioneer another alternative means of getting out to the Reservoir instead.

George St

So it was Institute Rd, passed Bancroft Tower, down to Pleasant, through Newton Sq, up through the residential streets paralleling June St., then into another neighborhood in which I had to ask a mailman how to get out, and made it finally to and across Chandler St, and out.

One approach to Bancroft Tower

The tower, March 21, 2015

South Rd was dry and beautiful and devoid of cars and I climbed with pleasure to the top, then turned around and flew back down again and back along the Reservoir St and Olean St then into the Thickly Settled and the great hills.

From the base of South Rd looking across to the reservoir

The confluence of South Rd and Reservoir St

South Rd heading up

Summary: About 22 miles and plenty of climbing, another 1500'+ day. A good mixture of city, neighborhood, and forest, the classic Reservoir Run.

Parting Shot


1 comment:

  1. Salam oh mighty Shadman, sounds pretty good, good distance, good climbing, good good good. And the attitude adjustments, interesting. And the photos - I like them. Keep on trucking! I haven't been on the bike since Feldberg 1. Been training a little, like today. Checked the pool and it was full with a kindergarten group on the way in. Let it be and hit the stationary bike and the weights and the sauna. 6.3 km in 10 minutes, an avaerage of something like 39 kmh. 26 mph? The small triumphs that carry me into the sauna, which I now perceive as one of the great inventions of civilization. By the way I had my yearly blood test, results very good except for collesterol, which is too high. Eat less meet, cheese, milk said the doc. Am working on it. Weather here a little cold, 10C, some light rain. Keeping my fingers crossed that it warms up by April 6 when the Paris Training Camp begins. Will keep you informed.
