Friday, August 21, 2015

On the Eve of the D2R2

May I prove as stout and resolute on tomorrow's ride
as these venerable pines in Shutesbury

Humid in the Woo tonight, the sky is trying to clear. There's water in the air. I'm glad not to be camping at the D2R2 campground, though on a clear cool night that sounds like it would be fun. The vibe would surely be festive & friendly, respectful, and no doubt a little weirdly intense. Probably a lot similar to race day itself.

As mentioned in yesterday's posting, this will be my fourth time participating in this extraordinary event. Huge PRAISE to the organizers and the Franklin Land Trust, you've created a fantastic tradition.

Here's an indicator of why this event is so special. In an email to all the riders (approximately 1,160 riders) concerning the food, the hosts wrote:

First, at breakfast, we were surprised that, far and away, the biggest request was oatmeal. Ladies and gentlemen, we have added it to the menu. You guys are too easy ...

Lunch is getting the biggest overhaul. Last year things were too bland. This year, the caterers will be making sandwiches on-site. You will have more stuff to add to your sandwich as it is made, and then a choice of four condiments from simple mustard to garlic aioli. We have also adjusted the numbers of turkey and ham, and there will be way more gluten-free bread available....

Dinner will be largely the same based on feedback; however, people seemed to ask for more veggies, so there will be grilled veggies available.

What, no wine list?! Outrageous.

My experience has been that there's way more food available than you can possibly eat, even though you have to eat a lot to stay fueled. I'm only going to pack some energy gels and shot bloks from home. Instead of eating at 4:00 AM when I get up as I've tried to do in the past, I'll eat a banana and a double espresso and then gorge on eggs and peanut butter bread smears and more bananas when I arrive at the starting fields. Probably take an egg and an energy bar for the road.

And this, specific to the 160K and 180K:

On the 180K and 160K, your second stop will offer more substance because lunch is a ways off yet - bananas, PB&J, Fig Newtons, and such. 160K riders in particular, I think I underfed you at this point last year, so this year I'm upping the offerings for you. 

Underfed us?? I admit that lunch last year wasn't that good (slapped together sandwiches of unremarkable meat and bland sliced cheese, or something), but abundance wasn't the issue as far as I recall. Let 'em eat Fig Newtons.

As for my own dinner tonight, the eve of the Big Ride, I'm chowing a small sirloin filet and a large bowl of tortellini with light creamed tomato sauce. And drinking as much water as I can. And NOT drinking any alcohol. And going to bed by 8:00 PM.

I want to avoid what happened last year when I drank three or four beers the night before, only got like six hours of sleep, and then didn't eat enough or drink enough water before setting out on the 180K. About 45 miles into the ride I started cramping - my quads and my calves. I thought I would have to abandon but I grimly pushed on. That was when I learned that not only can you ride with leg cramps but you can actually recover from them, get over them. But it sucks doing so.

Finally, check out the "official" D2R2 2015 promotional video, it's pretty cool.

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