Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ride # 90

The ninetieth ride of 2013. Saturday. Another warm November day, again almost 60 degrees. Fantastic. But it's another wedge-it-in ride because riding is only one facet of Saturday. Though ultimately our plans to go into Boston and eat lunch at Neptune's Oysters, and for ND to go to the movies, and for me to go to the Boston Antiquarian Book Fair in search of Harry Crosby volumes, all get changed, I ride with that whole scenario still in the offing. Which means I have a time frame and a time constraint and so ride with focus and an eye on the computer for time elapsed.

Tuttle Rd., November 16, 2013
Ultimately, we end up not going to Boston, not going to the Book Fair, not doing any of the things that, pre-ride, had been the determinants of this ride's limits. In other words, I coulda' done a giant ride on this gorgeous sunny Saturday!

Philosophically-speaking, the "I coulda' done ..." phrase is loaded with angst. Its meaning hangs on regret. What a burden! As an exercise in self-awareness and self-determination, notice how often you say (or think) "I coulda' ..."

So actually, what I mean to convey is that I had a terrific 19 mile ride on a beautiful November morning/afternoon and the rest of the day unfolded, not as planned, but as occurred, and it was all giant.

Ride stats: 19.34 miles (31 km), 15.2 mph, 1 hour 17 minutes in the saddle.


  1. I want a piece of Tuttle Rd! 90 rides, ergo every 4 days! Lieber Lescaret, the sweetheart Monsieur Dataslave, aware of my call for reading tips regarding roadbike classics, presented me today with a copy of:

    The Rider, by Tim Krabbé

    Have you read it? Novella, quick read, published in 1977? The start is a dinger - "... the emptiness of those lives shocks me." I want to read it immediately and am holding off until I finish another book, "Capital" by Lanchester.

    If you haven't read "The Rider" I would be thrilled if you got your hands on a copy and read it with me. Sometime before Thanksgiving.


  2. The Rider is on order, amigo. We shall read it together. Will let you know as soon is it arrives.
