Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week in Review

Thickly Settled en route to Bancroft Tower

Several rides this week. Before one of them, I forgot to activate Strava tracking so didn't log that particular venture. But this weekend, April 18th and 19th, two fine rides in the luggage. Woo City to the Reservoir on Saturday and a jaunt west on Sunday to hook up with a resurgent Team Shad: The Virginian, I Ward, Dubstoevsky, and an alternate, MB, he of the blue sno cone attire, a lanky rouleur who I've known since the Days of the Dead.

April 18, 2015
Bancroft Tower

The important ride of the weekend was Sunday, April 19 when Team Shad communed in Montague, Mass. Team Shad, assembled for the first time this year. Already we've missed the Rasputitsa, our spring/summer racing schedule is in turmoil, but we have achieved a focus. We have set our sights on the D2R2 in late August. It's a thin schedule to be sure but we're counting on a positive outcome.

MB, I Ward, The Virginian
Team Shad
Crossing the Connecticut River in Sunderland

Eschewing the hills, we opted for riding up and down the Connecticut River, throwing in a few forays into farm land (Hadley, Sunderland, Hatfield) and some minor climbs in Whately. The Connecticut River was a constant presence.

I Ward riding north on River Rd

Crop Circle

The Do Dah Man

In the end, we notched 44+ miles. Not exactly fast (15.4 mph) and with not much climbing, but that's what training camp is about. An exploration. A process of building form. Of honing rusty skills and finding a rhythm.

Summary: 44.5 miles, 15.4 mph, 2.45 hours, not a lot of wind,a little over 60 degrees.


  1. Perseverence patience commitment - big words for big men!!! Go team shad! An inspiration en-wheel!
