Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rutland Loop

Finally, a day approaching 70 degrees, a day that doesn't require multiple layers and a half hour to suit up. Though ferociously windy, there was no chill in the wind. I wore 3/4 length bib tights, two short-sleeved cycling jerseys (one a base layer and the other over the bib), and arm warmers. Perfect! No booties, no wind breaker, no layers, no full-fingered gloves. What a treat.

Busted out the Steal Your Face skull and lightening jersey and, at one point, climbed a long hill on High St. Irie.

And the overall results were good too - 15.1 mph over 27+ miles, with plenty of climbing and the aforementioned wind. Felt strong today, pain-free, rested. Shoulders didn't bother me at all.

A fine route up past Holden Reservoir then 31 west to Paxton then up rt 56 to Rutland, a right onto Prescott St which turns into Hill Side Rd which is all downhill from this direction and which takes you by Alta Vista Farm and then down down down through oak and maple forest to Causeway St. Super sweet riding, and no cars to be seen for much of it.

Alta Vista Farm, Rutland

Have tallied something over 40 miles this week with the weekend still to come. Though this delicious weather isn't supposed to last. Colder weather on the horizon, could be cold rain Saturday morning, and then next week an arctic air mass moves in.

Not sure what's happening in East Burke, VT. Unfortunately, the Rasputitsa race organizers post course conditions on Facebook only, assuming, perhaps, that everyone is on Facebook. Alas, Team Shad has no Facebook presence so lacks the latest news from the race scene.

On the fly

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