Saturday, October 17, 2015

Prime Days

It's prime time now. Terrific riding days. Pristine October New England days filled with blue skies, sharp sun, crisp air, clean vistas exploding in color.

Since nearly being taken out by the hawk on October 4th, I've ridden seven times. Fantastic afternoons after work storming the Reservoir, dancing up the cat 4 climb to the Airport, logging the Big Miles with El Virginian, noble Team Shad mate, on new roads in the Athol hills.

Unlike Herr Scrod in the German gloaming who suggests that "the season is nearing its end," here in the land of Shad we are gathering our tights and silky under things, our gloves and head warmers, our extra layers, we are clamping lights to our handlebars and celebrating the onset of autumn's capricious yet magical weather.

The truth is, I'm more than ready for colder rides. It's funny, when spring and summer comes and I can finally ride in shorts and a short-sleeved jersey, I'm always psyched. But then summer becomes a myriad of humid, sweaty rides and after a point I get tired of being slathered in a slick sunscreen sheen, perspiration running into my eyes. I want the crisper air, the snap and chill, the little shivery hum of setting out just on the edge of cold.

Plus, there is something about donning the layers of the cyclist's costume that appeals, a certain Boy Scout-ish or ninja-like sense of order and preparedness. I find plenty of satisfaction in assembling just the right kit, the perfectly-chosen layers to maintain a balanced, not-too-hot-and-not-too-cold temperature throughout a ride.

On the visual front, October marks the transition from the lush, green expanses of summery fullness to the psychedelic landscapes of orange, red, and yellow that presage the somber dun hues to come. October is the month of imps and sprites and woodland fairies, the last whimsical days of abundance when the great hoary hardwoods assume the garb of jesters for a few final weeks before shedding their whimsy and hunkering down for the long freeze.

Photo Gallery of the Last Seven Rides

Airport Paxton Loop October 5th

Woo City Airport Summit

Dubstoevsky falling into space

Holden Loop October 6th

Fecund but fading

Paxton Kettle Brook Loop October 8th

Getting out of the Woo

Lemonstar State Forest to Mt. Wachusett Summit Loop October 10th

Team Shad car

Lucas Rd, Princeton

Approaching Mt. Wachusett

Busy day on the summit

Team Shad Training Ride with The Virginian October 12th
Montague Shutesbury Wendell Orange Athol Warwick Northfield Sunderland

The Virginian setting the pace through Wendell

North Orange

October's bright blue sky

Sunderland, not Bordeaux

The French King Bridge

The final climb of the day

Shadows of the Dub

Reservoir Loop October 13th

On the fly

Reservoir Loop October 15th

Return to the Woo

1 comment:

  1. Love you falling into space, and "...not Bordeaux" and the locals going into the pub for a pitcher of pongbeer! That's a word worth some sort of award.

    Great rides Shadman! Great to hear that you are thriving and riding. M. Scrod
